Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis


We are experienced in the treatment of eczema.

What are eczema and atopic dermatitis?

Eczema is a rash that is caused by skin that gets so dried out that the immune system kicks in and causes redness, intense itching, and scaling. The cause is primarily from environmental factors and, possibly, minor hereditary factors.  

Eczema that comes on at an earlier age and is associated with other allergies or asthma is often referred to as “atopic dermatitis.” Atopic dermatitis is caused by environmental factors and has a heavy hereditary influence. It is often called the “itch that rashes”, as sometimes there is intense itching that comes before the rash.  Many think that the rash is caused by the aggressive scratching of those itchy spots on the skin.  Atopic dermatitis typically begins in childhood and can affect any area of the body.  It often affects the inner elbows, behind the knees, the neck, the hands, the feet, and the face.  

Doctor John Rupp

Dr. Rupp and his staff are
Kansas City’s Eczema Specialists.

Hand eczema

Hand eczema

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis


What are the causes of eczema?

The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but research shows that eczema tends to run in families, particularly in those with allergies, asthma or hay fever.  Many patients with eczema also tend to have allergies to various products that are applied to the skin. 

How do you treat eczema?

The first step in treating eczema is to identify what may be causing the eczema or making it worse.  Our dermatology professionals will sit down with you to discuss these issues. The potential causes could be simple environmental factors such as having your showers too hot, using a harsh soap, or having your skin stay wet for long periods.  We will examine the environmental factors which make eczema worse and discuss the possibility of foods that can cause flaring of the skin.

Once the possible causes are identified, we can develop a plan to help your skin get back to normal.  The comprehensive plan includes avoidance of the factors that cause flares of your skin, as well as the use of moisturizers and salves.  Sometimes your skin specialist will recommend a steroid cream to reduce the redness, scaling, and itching.  In more severe eczema, we may advise the use of internal medications. There is an injection known as Dupixent that we may also use.  Dupixent is a medication known as a biologic.  It can greatly help the person with moderate to severe itching and eczema. 

Eczema is one condition for which there is no certain cure. Fortunately, most people outgrow their eczema.  There are a few who will not. Dr. Rupp and his Physician Assistants can evaluate your skin care concerns and provide treatment for eczema and other skin rashes. They have the medical qualifications, experience, and training to look at all aspects of this condition and will work to give you the knowledge to easily manage it when it flares.

They can help you find solutions that will improve your life. 

We’re here to help.

Call us at (816) 942-1150